Automotive Industry
Humidification & humidity control in automotive manufacturing
Increasing productivity
Correct humidity levels will improve productivity in several areas within an automotive manufacturing facility.
Paint spray booths
The optimum humidity for the transfer of paint from the spray nozzle to bodywork is 72%RH. At this level evaporation of the paint is reduced allowing it to reach the bodywork as the manufacturer intended. Reducing moisture evaporation from the paint also reduces the amount of paint dust that is introduced to the spray booth.
Sanding decks
By maintaining 55% relative humidity in sanding decks, dust is suppressed and static build-up reduced. This prevents airborne paint dust from being attracted to the surface of the bodywork, greatly decreasing sanding time and improving the quality of the finish.
Engine testing cells
Exhaust emission testing must be carried out within certain temperature and humidity ranges so it is important humidification systems can meet the control tolerance and provide reliable humidification.
Features and benefits
Ability to provide innovative custom solutions for unique processes
Low maintenance solutions to reduce on-going service requirements
Increased production efficiencies
Low energy systems to reduce operating costs and improve humidity control
Extensive expertise around the world with many automotive manufacturers
Comprehensive service of advice, design, supply, installation, commissioning, maintenance and spares supply